Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mary Rowlandson Analysis

Today in class you had an assignment to find 5 examples of whatever domain lens you were supposed to analyze the text through.

You were supposed to do a double entry journal where you selected text and then analyzed the text through the lens of your group.

Select one of the five that you worked on in class and comment on this post. Share the quote as well as the analysis.

For example:

Text: "Now is the dreadful hour come, that I have often heard of (in time of war, as it was...) eyes see it." (p. 245)

Analysis through a narrative lens: Uses very strong negtative words to describe the moment she was taken into captivity. She uses dreadful to indicate the severity of what happened. However, she also discusses what she has heard and how it affects her understanding of what should happen. She uses a parenthetical aside to show war time is different, but there are expectations that should be there. She also talks about what she sees which seems to support now what she has heard. There is a definite use of hyperbole that the reader becomes aware of as they read on and often questions just how serious the situation is.


christinak11 said...

"which made the place a lively remeblence of hell"

mary stating this means she is watching these people how they act. to her there actions resemble how she would portray hell to be. in comparission what she is used to. calling them "barbaroua people"its almost she looks down upon them but yet fears them. this qutoes is a metaphor because it is a comparisson not using like or as

paula901 said...

" there came an Indian to look after me, who when had found me, kicked me all along. i went home and found chicken roasting that night, but they would not give me one bit of it"


" the negativeness of the sentence exaggerated what really is, but how she sees theses people to be.
i think shes exaggerates because she is not used to the kind of behavior of the Indians in comparison to her old life, if the Indians would have taken her in different circumstances i believe she would see them as she sees them now even if they hadn't taken her husband and her children because of what her religion has though her

richye williams said...

" I asked him to give me a piece.. At the time with a basket of horse liver. 'What', he says, 'Can you eat horse liver?"

informative prospective-

" It seems from the text that based on the quote she was in horrible living conditions. She was also being staved so bad that she had to reduce her self to eating horse liver. You can see the hell that she is being put through.

Yanill M. said...

"On Monday (as I said) they set their wigwams on fire and went away. It was a cold morning, and before us there was a great brook with ice on it; some waded through it, up to the knees and higher, but others went till they came to beaver dam, and I amongst them, where through the good providence of God, I did not wet my foot."

Mary Rowlandson said that the Indians left, showing that she wasn't really being held captive, yet she described the Indians in such a awful way. I feel the the words she used to describe the setting was exaggerated, to make it seem horrid.

Yanill M. said...
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Alex R. said...

text "I had often before this said that if the Indians should come, i should choose rather to be killed by them than taken alive but when it came to the trial my mind changed, their glittering weapons so daunted my spirt that i choose rather to go along with those ravenous beast"

analysis she seems to have a very negavtive opinion on the native americans by calling them " ravenous beast". she also seemed to have a week sense of will because to claim she rather have death than capture was a big change of while.

aL NEGROn said...

TEXT: "I asked him to give me a piece...At the time with a basket of horse liver.'What' he says, 'can you eat horse liver'?

In my opinion this statement doesn't have the most striking words that will catch your attention, but this definantly has some depth to it. This shows how she is begging the man for horse liver. People don't beg for horse liver. She has been so deprived that she has been put down to asking for this.