Wednesday, September 17, 2008

3 Questions about the formation of our nation

Post 3 questions you have about how our nation began to this post...

We started talking about William Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation" and the Time article, "Inventing America"

What do you want to know?


richye williams said...

!. What were the race of the first people to discover america?
2. Did all of the colonies in the union really want to become the united states?
3. Which parties (government parties) didn't want to become the U.S?

Yanill M. said...

1. Who came up with the name the United States of America?

2. Why didn't the colonies want to come together and form a whole country?

3. Who were some of our for fathers, that brought all the colonies together, and fought for independence.

christinak11 said...

1.what made the european people want to come to the america's?
2.what were the majoritys of the peoples religions?
3. what about the americas made people beleive it was the answer to a better life?

Robert said...

1. How long did it take to reach early america?
2.Why was america chosen to be colonized in the first place?
3.Once they arrived, how could they tell it was America that they landed on?

omar said...

1. Why did they take America knowing people were already living there.
2. Did people living in America at that time follow a specific religion or did religion start because Europe introduced the concept.
3. Why was colonization introduced to America.

aL NEGROn said...

1. Did he know where he wanted to go when he came to the land?
2. What was the majority of people who did want to form colonies? (peasants, the wealthy?)
3. How did they know that this land would solve their problems?Any former information maybe?