Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tonight's homework - due for class tomorrow

Read p.23-32

Answer in your sourcebooks -

What happens to Pecola in this section? How is it significant? How do the other girls react? Try to find the specific passages and cite your thoughts with page numbers.

Comment to this post -
What do you think of the novel so far?
Any predictions?


paula901 said...

I like the novel so far, it's different from what I usually read I like the discription and the poetic tone of the how she writes, usually i have an idea or prediction on the books I'm reading but I haven't guessed what might happen next yet in the book.

paula901 said...

I like the novel so far, it's different from what I usually read I like the discription and the poetic tone of the how she writes, usually i have an idea or prediction on the books I'm reading but I haven't guessed what might happen next yet in the book.

Richard W W said...

This is a crazy book. Barly anything good happens in this book. And when it does it doesn't last long or there is a catch somewhere. Also i don't know HOW many times i read something to do with sex...Come on. I think pecola gets rapped and loses her mind. Mainly because of the blue eyes she wants so bad. I havn't read the whole book yet so i don't know what will happen. I know its not good though.

christinak11 said...

i think so far in the book i have come to notice. there has been many turning points. which leaves you a little confused not undertstanding which angle the book is going to go with. the entire scenario with how claudia reacted with the porcelin dolls she was given was so intense. the whole beauty and looks idea is shown right from the beginning.How these dolls were being portrayed as beautiful. how claudia was supposed to love something and think it was so beautiful even though it dident look anything like her. it made her feel as though she wouldnt be loved because she dident look like the doll.I think the girls are going to have to face challenges with their looks and will have to be something they will have to struggle with throught the book.