Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Post your best examples of author's lang from class today on this blog

Today in class we mined the text for different kinds of figurative language and elements -
similes, metaphors, personsification, alliteration, characterization and irony.

Post your example here...

Write the quote with the page number and briefly explain why it works as what it is...

"Far away somebody was playing a mouth organ; the music slitehred over the cane fields and into the pine grove; it spiraled around the tree trunks and mixed itself with the scent, so Cholly couldn't tell the difference between the sound and the odor that hung about the heads of the people" (p.135)
Personification - the music is slithering and spiraling... physically... you can see it moving instead of just hearing the sound. It comes alive and there is no difference anymore as it circles the trees. I love the idea of the music being visible and enveloping the world. Music for me does funciton in this way, so I can really get a sense of it when I read.


paula901 said...

" and he did touch her, firmly bit gently, just as she had dreamed, But minus the gloom of setting suns and lonely riverbanks. She was secure and gratefull, and Was kind and lively." -page 116.

This is an example of irony because the way cholly is described at the very begining of the book is, like a mad grouchy man and, thinking the worst of him Is easy, therefore you would think he has been like this for a while, and the way Pauline describes being with him makes you wonder what made him become what he is now.
THis passage makes you want I keep reading to find out what it is that made cholly cruel.

JOVAN said...

pAGE 98 "When she finished, I went to look for Freida. I found her upstairs lying on our bed, crying the tired, whimpering cry that follows the first wailings mostly gasps and shudderings. I lay on the bed and looked at the tiny bunches of wild roses sprinkled over her dress. Many washings had faded their color and dimned their outlines"
This passage to me was an example of characterization. It worked as that because a describes Freida as a very sensitive and a person that is not strong. Especially the line of the tired whimpering cry that follows the first wailings mostly gasp nd shudderings. It showed that she was really a heavy cries also and that it probably took her a long time before she stopped! This was the passage that I found interesting.

Anonymous said...

"Cholly, moving faster, looked at Darlene. He hated her. He almost wished he could do it - hard, long, and painfully, he hated her so much. The flashlight wormed its way into his guts and turned the sweet taste of muscadin into rotten fetid bile. He stared at Darlene's hands covering her face in the moon and lamplight. They looked like baby claws." pg. 148

This is an example of characterization because it shows how cholly feels toward this woman at first, it shows the type of person he is at first and starts off with how much he deeply dislikes this woman, so it gives you background information about them and the type of personality cholly has around her and about her.

Alex R. said...

...His ahnds holding a melon bigger than the sun, he paused an instant to get his barings and scure his ams. Watching the figure etched agienst the blue sky, Cholly felt goose bumps pimple along his arm and neck. He woundered if God looks like that. pg 134 This passage is an example of personifcation. As a child Cholly took something he loved and associated it with god (a melon). In a way he also personicated the intire day the clear blue sky and the bright sun that was blocked out by the sun. All tis he made into god

Robert said...

" ... Above us was the second story porch, lined with slanting, rotting rails, and sitting on the porch was the Maginot Line herself. We stared up and automatically reached for the others hand. A mountain of flesh, she
lay rather than sat in a rocking chair."

This passage is an example of metaphor, as it compares The Maginot
Line as a mountain of flesh, without using the words "like" or
"as". The passage gives you a clear
image of how robust Maginot Line really appeared to Claudia and Frieda.

Yanill M. said...

"When I first met cholly, I want you to know it was like all the bits of color from that time down home when all us chil'ren went berry picking after a funeral and I put some in the pocket of my Sunday dress, and they mashed up and stained my hips." (p.115)
This quote is an example of a simile.
In this passage Mrs. Breedlove is explaining the feeling she had when she first met Cholly, giving her a flash back memory of her childhood.

AngeliqueL said...

"It was in the spring a very chilly spring, that Aunt Jimmy died of peach cobbler..."
Page 135
Irony-The opposite of your expectation. I wouldn't expect the author to discuss spring in the matter of being chilly. And also the way the author says somebody dying of Peach Cobbler is weird because you wouldnt expect a death due to Peach Cobbler. But to me its explaining how delicious the cobbler is.

christinak11 said...

"The streets changed ; houses looked more shurdy their paint newer, porch posts straighter,yards deeper"pg 105
This was an example of simile. I choose this quote from the book because I felt that the way Toni Morrison describes the setting after the girls (pecola and claudia) experience with ms.marie. The shift in the mood and tone reflected very much with the setting described.Their view of the neighborhood had changed so to speak.

Richard W W said...

"It was in the spring a very chilly spring, that Aunt Jimmy died of peach cobbler..." Page 135

It is irony because it sounds like someone really died from peach cobbler which is highly unlikely. Peach cobbler doesn't kill. Its food and you eat it. The only way to convay it is to think that when she ate it; it was so good she "died" metaphoricly.