Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Regents and moving forward

There will be Regent review classes starting after school soon. They are designed to be small groups of no more than 10 students to help students prepare for these important exams.

In class we will be working on the exams you all took this week. Those of you who didn't take the Midterm, but plan to will be given a different test on 2 consecutive Saturdays starting this weekend. Please see me about this.

Make sure you have read "Spring" for next week.

1 comment:

Bernadette said...

I have never known a teacher to give an assignment because he or she could not cover the material in class. It is often very helpful to go over material that one has learned, and homework is instrumental in allowing for this. Believe it or not, homework is key in keeping the information that you have received buried into your brain!