Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Journal Project for Catcher in the Rye

Journal Assignment for Catcher in the Rye
As we read the novel you will be responsible to write a diary entry as if you were Holden Caulfield. Three diary entries will be due every Friday and will be collected and graded. Below are some sample questions that your character may want to answer when writing in the diary. Do not give a plot summary of the chapters we have read. Get into character and make it as interesting as possible. If you are at a loss of something to say, answer any of the following questions:

1. Who has impressed, annoyed or pleased you so far? Describe the person. What other
character has had an effect on you?
2. What do you want to accomplish in your life? What are your aspirations?
3. What have you done that has made you proud of yourself?
4. What are you most afraid of or worried about? What makes you anxious? How do your
fears or worries relate to what has happened so far?
5. What are you hoping for in the near future?
6. Describe an object or a place that is important to you. Why is it important?
7. Who or what has made you happy recently? Explain.
8. If you could relive a moment, what moment would you like to relive? Why is it such a
strong memory for you?
9. Choose a value or ideal that is important to you—honesty, courage, faithfulness, etc.
What makes it an important value or ideal?
10. Describe an interaction you have had with another character. Was it positive or negative?

Remember, you are writing as if you are Holden Caulfield. It is not necessary to answer these questions specifically, but they will guide you in composing diary entries that are meaningful and interesting.

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